President's Greetings



New President in The Nordic Chefs Association


Thorir Erlingsson becomes the new President of the Nordsike Chef Federation. Kristine Hartviksen is stepping down from the board after a total of 14 years, of which the last 6 years as President.

Thorir Erlingsson will take office as the new President on 4 June 2023. The Board extend a big thank you to President Kristine Hartviksen for a fantastic job to promote Nordic gastronomy.

The Nordic Chef Federation (NKF) works together to promote the culinary profession through the Nordic countries. NKF is a politically neutral organisation of which all the Nordic countries are members.

Best regards

Thorir Erlingsson


Nordic Chefs Association



Andre EnghNorge1939-1958

Arthur Nyh Sverige1958-1970

Bjørn Halling Sverige1970-1974

Knud Pedersen Danmark1974-1976

Osmo Norha Finland1976-1977

Ib Wessman Danmark/Island 1977-1979

Bernt Stenstrøm Sverige 1979-1981

Arvid Skogseth Norge1981-1989

Lauritz W. Hansen Norge1989-1995

Jacob H Magnusson Island1995-1997

Lasse Lundquist Finland1997-2001

Gert Sørensen Danmark2001-2003

Gissur Gudmundsson Island2003-2007

Einar Øverås Norge2007-2011

Uffe Nielsen Danmark 2011- 2017

Kristine Hartviksen Norge 2017-2023

Thorir Erlingsson Island 2023-


Einar Øverås Norge2005 - 2007

Rolf Sjödin Sverige2007-2009

Andreas Jacobsen Island 2009-2011

Kristine Hartviksen Norge 2011- 2017

Dennis Rafn Denmark 2017-2023

Markku Ojala Finland 2023-